The Sharon Antcliff Foundation is a charitable organization that raises funds for families that care for people with Early Onset Alzheimer's Disease. Right now we are doing a drive for October where you have a chance to receive a signed glove from me as a thank you gift for your donation. Please follow the link below to read the details. Thanks for your interest!
Filming the Big Guy
Today we sparred Kickboxing and MMA. It was lots of fun, my favorite. The UFC Countdown show was there to film Shane Carwin for his upcoming fight with Brock Lesnar on November 21. Now tonight we will be up in Greeley at UNC working our Wrestling.
Training This Morning
Here's a picture from this morning's training. We did power punching drills. Tomorrow will be Kickboxing and MMA sparring. I'm just training for now with no word on my next fight.
New Website is Finished/ Samboujang Taal Fraud
The new is finally finished. It will still be updated daily with pictures and periodic videos and will in turn update my Facebook, Twitter, and MySpace. Please leave a comment if you have trouble viewing any of the content.
Samboujang Taal-
I’m writing on an old post so that anyone that searches his name knows it’s a probable scam. Samboujang Taal is from Brikama Gambia. I’ve given him $10,000 over the course of the last 6 months and he and his friend, Saikou Marong, just tried to scam me to give $2000 for dialysis treatment for his failing kidneys. I caught them because they went to Senegal and I found that treatments cost around $110 USD and not $1800. Also, the hospital in Banjul Gambia does treatment for free.
Sam Taal birthday 9/4/1999 (September 4, 1999). Get his picture ID and you’ll see it’s the same birthday.
Scam scammer orphans siblings hustle fake pretend Samboujang Taal Gambia
Saikou Marong 10/26/97 October 26 1997
Wow that's a lot of Power
This morning we trained at Grudge Training Center and sparred three rounds of Boxing and three rounds of Kickboxing. It's 4 o'clock and I just got done looking at cars. I looked at two 71 Chevelles. Both were SS and one had a 502ci crate motor. That would be nice but this one was out of my price range. Now I am headed to a BBQ at Eliot Marshall's house to celebrate his recent victory.
Boxing Footwork
Today was a slow day at practice. There were only 6 guys training. Tonight I will do my strength and conditioning and maybe watch a movie with my wife. I just got my Screen Actors Guild card so movies should be free from now on. Sweet!!
The Wrestling Room
Today we sparred Kickboxing and MMA this morning and then tonight we drove up to Greeley and wrestled at UNC. I got to see coach Leister tap Cody Donovan with an Indian death lock! Haha.
One of my favorite foods
I just had lunch with my wife at a Vietnamese restaraunt in Denver. Pho (pronounced f-uh) is a broth soup dish with rice noodles, spices, herbs and meat. I get "tai" or rare beef. It's excellent with the housin sauce, lime juice, and shiracha hot sauce. If you don't like soup, get the bun (pronounced b-own). I love food!
This is no fun
One of the worst things about being a fighter is when you have to sit out practice. Yesterday, I pulled my back a little and it tightened up. Luckily I have no fight scheduled. I sat out last night and today, but I should be good to go by tomorrow (with the help of my best friend, ibuprofen).
Today's Training
Today I trained with my coach, Trevor Wittman and teammates Brendan Schaub and Shane Carwin. Later today I will call Jonathan Chaimberg and get my off season workout for tonight. I may go look at muscle cars too. I want one!

These guys are ANIMALS
Today after church, we went to the Denver Zoo. This is Tessa, Emmalie and I in front of the big horn sheep.
Lunch with the family
This is from the best deli in town earlier today after training. We had just picked up Emmalie from school.
It's an Addiction
One of my instructors at High Altitude Martial Arts, Anthony, got me hooked on hot sauce. I always liked it, but now I have to buy anything I see that looks good. This is a picture of the sauce I kept after throwing away several while cleaning out the refrigerator.
I eat this in half a week when I'm in training
I just had my meals delivered this week. All the meals are healthy, fresh and have the correct amount of carbs, protein, and veggies. It makes it much easier to rest after training when I don't have to prepare the meal.
I bobbed when I needed to weave
Here's a pic from after Saturday's sparring. Also, leave a comment on this site if you have any problems viewing anything. I'll be updating daily hopefully.
Nate Receives an award from UFC Sponsor
Here is a picture of Dana presenting me with an award from Tequila Cazadores, UFC's spirits sponsor. The article follows...
Click here for the article...

Cagewriter's Post Fight Interview
UFC 102 postfight interview: Marquardt will take Hendo or Silva
This was at the press conference prior to UFC 102 in Portland.

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