Good Day
Today I worked with Trevor and Loren. Now I am just resting with Tess and Emmalie. We played board games and now we are watching "The Storyteller."
Check out the current issue of Real Fighter Magazine
There is an article about my first pro fight. The pictures are from Pancrase. I believe it is issue #27.
Deadlifts can make your shins bleed!
Hahaha! This picture is from after I did strength training with Loren Landow today. It's from the bar scraping as it is lifted up. Apparently, it is from "good technique." I just thought it might be interesting to people who don't lift weights.
Train Set
Today we went to church and then we worked on our paper mâché mountain for our Christmas tree train set. Then we watched "All Roads Lead Home" and now we are playing the board game called "Ingenious." Family days are the best!!
Had to burn off that pumpkin pie!
Today was Duane's and Rashad's last sparring before their fights. As you can see, it wasn't busy at the gym, but sparring was very good nevertheless.
Christmas Eve Training
This morning we sparred and tonight we will wrestle. It's Radhad's and Duane's last week of hard training so we gotta get our work in!
Check out my world ranking!
Two sites, and, have me listed at the same spot. Click below to see what ranking I have.
Snowy Day
I just finished training mitts with Trevor. Now I'm eating and resting up for my strength training with Loren Landow. KJ and the Thompsons left town today.
Look at my Xmas present to @KeithJardine205
Haha!! This morning we sparred MMA and Kickboxing. Then later we drove up to UNC for Wrestling practice. The black eye was actually from an accidental headbutt. Keith will probably give me his gift next time we spar!
Ten Best Knockouts of 2009
I'm on UFC's top 10 list twice! Watch the videos on this link:
Today we trained with Loren Landow. Then delivered my meals. Later Keith Jardine came over and we went to a Brazilian BBQ in downtown Denver. Now it's bedtime!
Mitts, Wrestling, S&C
This morning we worked with T and then drilled takedown defense for 2 hours. We just ate and now we are getting ready to go work with Loren at Steadman Hawkins. I'm ready for a nap!
One of my favorite songs
This is funny too. Some people have a lot of time on their hands! Make sure you pay attention to the power levels at the top...
Holy Crap!!
Earlier today, I ran over Stevie "Wonderboy" with my car. I was dropping off everyone in the front of church and everyone got out. I started to pull away and realized Stevie, who wears flip flops in 40 degree weather, was getting stuff out of the back so I stopped. Stevie quickly said something that I didn't hear. I said, "Huh?" He repeated, "Pull forward. You stopped on my foot!" I frantically pulled forward and turned to see Stevie's reaction. Luckily he was fine. I guess his flip flops protected him somehow! Here we are after lunch at High Altitude.
Guests in Town
Yesterday, we picked up Stephen "Wonderboy" Thompson, his dad Ray and Joseph Corneroli. They flew in from South Carolina. Stevie is one of the slickest kickboxers I have ever gone with. We worked with Loren Landow and then watched "Avatar" with Rashad, Coach Nurse, Van and Gerald. I thought the movie was great (if u get past the praying to trees crap). It was very entertaining. Then this morning we sparred and then worked with Kru Nurse. Now we are getting ready to watch the fights tonight.
Great Day
Today we had a full gym. We had Rashad Evans, Shane Carwin (not in picture), Brendan Schaub, Coachs Phil Nurse, VanArsdale and T, Chaun Simms, Demico Rogers, Jeremiah Constant, Gerald Harris, Christian Allen, Cody Donovan, Brandon Thatch, Eliot Marshall, Alvin Robinson, Tyler Toner and many others. Kru Nurse worked with me afterward and showed me some cool tricks!
Tough Day
Training was great today. Here we are after wrestling tonight. This morning I did mitts with T. Both practices were intense and I'm pretty tired.
Today's Training
This morning we sparred Kickboxing and MMA. We had GSP, Rashad, Demico, Eliot, Cody, Alvin and several others. Then I worked on strength with Loren Landow. It was a great day of training. Now I am just getting some much needed rest.
Beautiful Girls
I just finished training and am back home. I have to leave for a massage in an hour. Here's Emmalie and her cousin, Peyton, who are
about to make Christmas cookies.
Busy Day
This morning I worked with Trevor Wittman and Loren Landow. First, T and I reviewed tapes and went over more game plan. Then, Loren put me through a tough explosive power day. After that I had to go to court (don't ask why) and now Tess, Emmalie and I are going to put up the Christmas tree and make gingerbread houses. We will see if we have time for a movie or something after. I love my time with my family!! 

Wrestling Practice
Today we wrestled at GTC. I couldn't make it up to UNC since my daughter has a choir performance tonight so we stayed in Denver. With guys like VanArsdale, Rashad and St-Pierre, it doesn't matter where it goes down! Now I'm ready to enjoy my little angel's voice.
My Next Fight!
We just got back to Denver from Montreal and I heard my fight was announced. I was offered the fight weeks ago but couldn't say anything until it was announced. I will be fighting Chael Sonnen on February 6 in Las Vegas at Mandalay Bay. Chael is a tough wrestler and is coming off a win against Yushin Okami. I thought I would get a title fight or a fight with Henderson, but neither fight was available, so I accepted the fight with Sonnen. Honestly I was upset at first. Why should I be fighting a guy that lost to Demian Maia three fights ago? After I thought about it a while, I changed my mind. Sonnen is a great wrestler with decent striking and I don't want to wait to fight. Now I am pumped to fight and training has been going great! GSP is in town along with Rashad and all the guys. Let's do this!
Nap time
I had a good practice today. We did 3 rounds of kickboxing and 3 rounds MMA sparring. Then we ate ribs at Baton Rouge. Now I will be falling asleep so I can be rested for strength training with Jon Chaimberg.
#TUF10 Fights
I thought the fights last night were great. My teammates did an excellent job. James McSweeney fought a very smart, exciting fight and Darrell was very tough. I was gutted to see Brendan lose but he did great. He dominated the standup fight, and was able to escape from bad positions under Roy. He made one mistake in turning his head as he jabbed and Roy's punch landed just below and behind his ear. A punch there will put anyone down. Brendan has a bright future in the UFC and is a warrior. He'll bounce right back. I'm off to eat breakfast with Tess and Georges.
BJJ/ Photo shoot
I just finished doing a photo shoot for Six Star. It was three hours long and was right after BJJ practice that lasted 2 hours. I'm pretty tired but I can't wait to watch my teammates fight tonight. Let's do it bros!
We just finished training and now we are eating at Marathon Souvlaki. Tonight we will probably go watch a movie with Georges. He recommended "Twilight" for Tess. I don't get why girls goes crazy over that movie! Vampires don't sparkle. Everybody knows that.
After training
Here is Tess with Georges after dinner at Cavalli, one of the best restaurants in Montreal. The sea bass was amazing!
We just went grocery shopping in Montreal and found horse meat. I had raw horse in Japan but it's not common there. Anyway, I am getting ready to go roll with Coach Bruno along with Georges and his buddies from the west side of Canada.
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