We don’t know how much we have left. Our life is given, and it is taken away. How much time do you have left? How much time does your family or friend have left? This watch is my Dad’s, who passed away a few months ago. He had emphysema from smoking his whole life. Now, just a few days ago, one of my best friends from high school passed away. He literally drank himself to death. I’m heartbroken. This is yet another reminder that we are all on the brink of eternity. “…it is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment…” We all will bow our knees face God one day to give an account of our life. There is no other name under heaven that saves but Jesus. If you are a Christian and you have the cure and you’re not sharing it, you need to question if you really have been cured. Jesus is the only way. We must bow our knees now before it’s too late. Turn from sin and run to Jesus- Now is the day of salvation and time is running out.